The great benefits of Thai Stretch (Yoga) Massages.


Thai yoga traditional therapeutic massage. Young female receiving full body massage by male therapist in standard Thai passive stretching position

Albert Einstein once said, “Strive not to be a success, but rather , to be of value.”

As a Commentary Writer, Researcher, Fitness Trainer and Bodywork Practitioner, I support and adhere to worthy and quality service.

This account aims at giving the reader a firm insight into an ancient form of Massage and Bodywork therapy that I am confident will greatly benefit everyone.

My first experience as a recipient of this particular therapy goes back over twenty years. ( I am no Spring Chicken). Being heavily involved in high intensity physical activities myself , many will also understand the pains and strains that accompany ventures such as sprinting, swimming, archery, martial arts and weight training. Some days I felt as though I had been run over by a Mack Truck. Swedish and some forms of Sport Massage did help to alleviate some distress. However, I felt that I needed something more powerful and efficacious.

A first rate buddy of mine, a National track athlete, told me about TYM or Thai Yoga Massage. I said , “I don’t really want to do Yoga.” He admonished, “Shut up and listen, this is a powerful form of Massage dating twenty five hundred years. The practitioner places you into various Yoga postures to work the muscles, energy lines and pressure points.” He went on. “ I use this regularly , it is tremendous and it works”.

“What is the procedure?” I enquired. He said, “ You make your appointment, wear loose clothes and he works his magic”.

I agreed to give it a try. Simultaneously apprehensive and excited, I conducted some reading on this Bodywork type. It was quite intriguing. I learnt that it was one of the main components of Traditional Thai Medicine and that it emerged out of India many centuries ago. I read further. This healing art is founded on working on energy pathways in the body. The practitioner guides the recipient through a series of Yoga postures while massaging the muscles, palming, pressing, and thumbing along the body’s energy lines and pressure points.

I discovered that the Massage was a floor therapy done on reinforced material, where the expert counterbalances and levers the acceptor’s body with his own. He works with gravity, breath and directed touch to produce profound relaxation, well-being and ease to all kinds of complaints.

This sounded like my kind of procedure. I continued. These actions result in a treatment that relieves muscular tension, improves circulation, boosts the immune system, and balances the body energetically. Also it helps with conditions such as Lordosis, Scoliosis, and Kyphosis. It can relieve headaches, frozen shoulders, improve flexibility and assist in rapid rehabilitation. I was also happy to learn that it was scientifically proven to improve athletic performance.

I felt more confident and motivated. I contacted the practitioner and the experience was fantastic. I can attest to Thai Yoga Massage as being one of the best therapeutic bodywork treatments for chronic pain and sports injuries. It promotes total relaxation, and distress reduction.

All muscular tension vanished. It had a psychological effect as well. My mind was quiet. I felt like I was in a trance. Time and space seem to disappear. When the session was over, I felt taller, ( In my case, a welcomed thing). I continue these Massages to this day.

The impact was so awe inspiring that I became a practitioner of the Artform. I subsequently trained and qualified with a Canadian School.

I sincerely hope that I have left the reader with some value, and that these words will benefit in such a way that informed decisions can be made as to which treatment will suit best.

Whether you are an Athlete, Fitness enthusiast, or someone that desires to increase performance, flexibility, decrease distress, and improve overall well being, Thai Yoga Massage (TYM) may be the perfect choice for you.

For more clarity, I will put a few youtube links to help show some of the techniques involved and also to give an understanding of the history of TYM.

Furthermore, feel free to call me at 1868 775-0271 for more information.

Always remember the famous Warren Buffet saying when considering the merit of products and services. “ Price is what you pay. Value is what you get”.

The Art of Traditional Thai Massage [Rare 1990s Video) Feat. Asokananda, Chaiyuth, Pichet

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